Articles on: API

Stoq Javascript API Documentation

Stoq API Documentation

Stoq provides a JavaScript API for custom integrations within your Shopify theme. This API is accessible through the window._RestockRocket object when our app loads into your theme.

Available APIs

Page TypeAvailable APIs
Product PageopenModal, renderButtonForVariant
Collection, Home, and Custom PagesopenModal

API Reference

openModal(productData, variantId)

Opens the modal for a specific product. This is typically used for custom elements like quick add buttons.


- productData (Object): Contains product information.
- variantId (String): ID of the specific variant.


Opening modal on a collection page:

const addToCartBtn = document.getElementById('quick-add-btn');
addToCartBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const productData = { id: 1111, variants: [{ id: 2222, available: false }] };
  const variantId = '41XX';
  window._RestockRocket.openModal(productData, variantId);

  // Alternative: Using Liquid objects directly in Javascript
  // window._RestockRocket.openModal({{ product | json }}, '{{ }}');

Opening modal on a product page:

const notifyMeBtn = document.getElementById('notify-me-btn');
notifyMeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
  // Default: Opens modal for the current product, it automatically gets the
  // product data and currently selected variant ID


Sets up or removes the button for a specific variant on the page. Useful when your theme has a custom variant selector.


- variantId (String): ID of the variant to render the button for.


const variantSelector = document.getElementById('variant-selector');
variantSelector.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
  const selectedVariantId =;

Integration Examples

Quick Add Button on Collection Page

{% for product in collection.products %}
  <div class="product-item">
    <h2>{{ product.title }}</h2>
    <button class="quick-add-btn" 
            data-product-data="{{ product | json }}" 
            data-variant-id="{{ }}">
      Quick Add
{% endfor %}

document.querySelectorAll('.quick-add-btn').forEach(button => {
  button.addEventListener('click', function() {
    const productData = this.getAttribute('data-product-data');
    const variantId = this.getAttribute('data-variant-id');
    window._RestockRocket.openModal(productData, variantId);

Notify Me Button on Product Page

{% if product.available %}
  <button id="add-to-cart-button">Add to Cart</button>
{% else %}
  <button id="notify-me-btn">Notify Me When Available</button>
{% endif %}

const notifyMeBtn = document.getElementById('notify-me-btn');

{% if product.available == false %}
  notifyMeBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
    window._RestockRocket.openModal({{ product | json }}, '{{ }}');
{% endif %}

// For themes with variant selectors
document.addEventListener('variantChange', function(event) {
  const variant = event.detail.variant;

Custom Integration on Product Page

{% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}

<div id="product-form" data-product-id="{{ }}">
  <select id="variant-selector">
    {% for variant in product.variants %}
      <option value="{{ }}" {% if variant == current_variant %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>
        {{ variant.title }}
    {% endfor %}
  <button id="add-to-cart-btn" {% unless current_variant.available %}style="display: none;"{% endunless %}>
    Add to Cart
  <button id="notify-me-btn" {% if current_variant.available %}style="display: none;"{% endif %}>
    Notify Me

const productForm = document.getElementById('product-form');
const variantSelector = document.getElementById('variant-selector');
const addToCartBtn = document.getElementById('add-to-cart-btn');
const notifyMeBtn = document.getElementById('notify-me-btn');

function updateButtons(variantId) {
  const selectedVariant = {{ product.variants | json }}
    .find(variant => === variantId);
  if (selectedVariant && selectedVariant.available) { = 'block'; = 'none';
  } else { = 'none'; = 'block';

variantSelector.addEventListener('change', function() {
  const selectedVariantId = this.value;

notifyMeBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
  const productData = {{ product | json }};
  const variantId = variantSelector.value;
  window._RestockRocket.openModal(productData, variantId);

// Initial setup


Retrieves the selling plan object for a given variant if a preorder is set up.


- variantId (String): ID of the variant to check for a selling plan.


- (Object): The selling plan object if found, or null if no preorder is set up for the variant.


const variantId = '41XX';
const sellingPlan = window._RestockRocket.getSellingPlan(variantId);

if (sellingPlan) {
  console.log('Preorder selling planDetails:', sellingPlan);
} else {
  console.log('No preorder set up for this variant');

Preorder selling planDetails:
  shopify_selling_plan_group_id: 123456789,
  shopify_selling_plan_id: 987654321,
  enabled: true,
  variant_ids: [11111, 22222, 33333, 44444],
  name: "Preorder Offer",
  billing_checkout_charge_amount: "100.0",
  billing_checkout_charge_percentage: "10.0",
  billing_checkout_charge_type: "percentage",
  billing_description: null,
  billing_title: "Full payment",
  discount_text: "Save {{ discount }}",
  enable_billing_widget: true,
  inventory_provider: "stoq",
  payment_type: "full",
  preorder_badge_background_color: "#000000",
  preorder_badge_enabled: true,
  preorder_badge_text: null,
  preorder_badge_text_color: "#FFFFFF",
  preorder_button_description: "Note: This is a preorder. Items will ship based on the estimated delivery date.",
  preorder_button_description_background_color: "#ffffff",
  preorder_button_description_border_radius: 20,
  preorder_button_description_quantity_limit_suffix: " units available for preorder",
  preorder_button_description_shipping_text_prefix: "Shipping: ",
  preorder_button_description_show_quantity_limit: true,
  preorder_button_description_show_shipping: true,
  preorder_button_description_text_color: "#000000",
  preorder_button_text: "Preorder Now",
  preorder_shipping_text: "Estimated shipping: {{ date }}",
  pricing_amount: null,
  pricing_percentage: null,
  pricing_type: "no_discount",
  quantity_limit_text: "{{ quantity }} stock left",
  shipping_applies_to_all_products: true,
  shipping_text: "Shipping date to be determined",
  translations: { /* language translations object */ }

These examples demonstrate how to integrate RestockRocket's API with buttons using onclick handlers and Shopify Liquid markup. The Liquid examples show how to access product and variant data directly from Shopify, which can then be passed to the RestockRocket API.

Remember to adjust these examples to fit your specific theme structure and requirements.

Updated on: 18/10/2024

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