Articles on: Preorders

Send shipping delay email for preorders

If a preorder product is delayed, it's important to keep your customers informed. You can easily send a shipping update email to the customers who have purchased the delayed product. Here's how you can do it.

Go to the "Reports" section from the left menu bar of the 'Stoq' app.
Select the "Preorders" tab.
Select the list of orders to find the one that needs a shipping update.
Click on the "Send shipping update" button. This will open a popup where you can customize your email.

Update the necessary information:
Subject: The subject of the email.
Header: The main heading of your email.
Description: The detailed message explaining the delay.

Once you're done, send the email.

Customizing the Email Template

If you'd like to customize the default template for shipping updates, you can do so:

Navigate to the "Preorders" section.
Click on "Settings."
Here, you can modify the default template used for shipping updates.

Now you're all set to ensure your customers are kept in the loop regarding any delays in their preorder shipments. Keep them informed and keep things running smoothly!

Updated on: 13/09/2024

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