Articles on: Preorders

Test your preorder offer

Testing a preorder offer on your Shopify store ensures everything works smoothly before making it available to your customers. Follow these steps to identify the product, set up the preorder offer, complete a checkout, and verify the order in Stoq’s reports.

Complete a Test Checkout

Visit Your Storefront: Open your store’s website as a customer would.
Find the Preorder Product: Navigate to the product page you set up for preorder

Find your preorder product

Add to Cart and Checkout: Add the product to your cart and proceed to checkout. Complete the purchase as a customer, using test payment details if your store is in test mode.
Review Order Confirmation: Ensure you receive an order confirmation email indicating the product was preordered.

Complete checkout

Verify the Order in Stoq’s Reports

Log in to Stoq: Access your Stoq account and navigate to the reports section.
Find the Preorders Report: Head to Reports > Preorders to see your preorders list
Verify Order: Confirm that the test order you placed appears in the report. Check the details to ensure everything is recorded correctly, including the product, customer information, and preorder status.

Your preorders report

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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