Articles on: Signup popup

Customize popup text

Restock Rocket allows you to change the text that your customers see on the signup popup form when clicking the 'Notify me when available button'.

To change the popup text, follow these steps:

Head to Button & Popup from the left menu bar on the App.
Under 'Customize popup, click 'Customize popup'.
Next, click 'Form content'.

You can now change fields like Header, Description, Button text, Button color, form text. You can also remove the 'Powered by' watermark
Choose the contents you would like to show on the form. Scroll down to edit specific content for the email, phone number and web push checkbox fields like placeholders, error messages etc.
Preview your changes on the right side of the screen and click 'Save changes' after you've done for it to take affect.

Updated on: 02/11/2023

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