Articles on: 'Notify me' button

Show 'Notify Me' button on Pre-order products

Restock Rocket typically displays the 'Notify me when available' button only for products or variants that are currently out of stock. However, it's also possible to configure the button to appear on pre-order products in your store. This allows you to collect registrations from customers interested in those products, who will then receive notifications when the items are restocked.

To enable this setting, follow these steps in Shopify admin and then in Restock Rocket's dashboard.

Shopify admin
Go to "Products" in Shopify admin, and select a product or variant.
Enable the checkbox 'Continue selling when out of stock' in the "Inventory" section.

Restock Rocket
Open the Restock Rocket app & navigate to 'Button & Popup.'
Click on 'Customize button'
Select the 'Products' section.
Find the option 'Show Notify me button on Pre-order products' under other settings.
Enable the checkbox for this option.
Click 'Save' to ensure that the 'Notify Me' button appears on pre-order products.

Updated on: 13/02/2024

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