Articles on: Alerts

Customize SMS template

Restock Rocket makes it possible for you to tailor the text message alerts for your customers when an item they want is back in stock. This can give a personal touch to your messages and improve customer experience.

How to customize SMS alerts

Click on 'Notifications' from the left menu bar within the Restock Rocket app.
Make sure to select the first stage - "Send automatic notification / when you restock the product"
Then, choose 'Customize SMS'. This will take you to a page where you can edit the message of the SMS.
In this section, you can write the message you want to send and decide what page on your store the customer will visit when they click the link in the SMS.

Restock Rocket includes a template testing tool. You can use this to experiment with different product names to see how they affect the length of your SMS.
You can also include your store domain in the purchase link for a more branded experience.
You can see a live preview of your SMS changes on the right side of your screen as you edit.
Click Save changes on the top right to make your changes live. All future SMS messages will use your new template
You can make changes for the reminder notification SMS templates in a similar manner. To do so, select another notification type in the "Notifications" page and then click "Customize SMS"

IMPORTANT: Please note that when you change your SMS template, we need to review and approve it to make sure it meets anti-spam laws. This process can take up to 24 hours. If you need a faster approval, please contact our support team.

Updated on: 06/11/2023

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